miercuri, 10 august 2011

FUCK what people THINK
FUCK what people SAY  

Vis(her variant)

te/am visat deam eu noaptea asta. am vrut sa-ti pov dar nu am avut ocazia, deja miine. mi/a placut, parea atit de real. mi s/a facut pofta de ceea ce/am vazut in vis...

New pics))

mersi Stellutsa ( http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002403145050 ) pt poze :*

What I bought today

Lazy summer


un articol ce mi s-a părut interesant, pe care mi l-a trimis o colegă)

Queen V.

Queen V.,
when are you gonna come back? We miss u so much!And u're puppy also. <3
Hurry up, dear, we need u.
Love, Jenny

My page)


Nobody's perfect

marți, 9 august 2011

Vis(his variant)

Mi-a plăcut visul tău :). De-ar fi el realitate... şi totuşi poate va fi.
Mi-a plăcut ziua de azi. Te-am simţit aproape, aproape de sufletul meu.
M-am simţit cu tine bine, foarte bine... inexplicabil de bine şi calm, ocrotită... şi căldura ta... mirosul tău... corpul tău la care mă abţineam să nu mă holbez ştii tu în ce moment :D
Aş putea trăi cu tine toată viaţa fără să mă gândesc la nimic şi nimeni altcineva, să te am alături, să te iubesc...
Şi n-aş îndrăzni să mă las dusă de valuri în vreo direcţie greşită: nu ai de ce să te îngrijorezi, chiar dacă îmi face plăcere să aflu <3.Am ochi numai pentru tine, frumosule :* .
Eşti parte din lumea mea.


want to buy a lot of unnecessary things, just to have them)

Pic (2)

luni, 8 august 2011


Fuckin` shit...


I feel so helplessly. I need to speak to someone. It's midnight but I can't sleep. My mind is not here. It's flying. I've should be happy, why I'm not? I am, but I feel like it's going wrong. Like I don't do enough...... why?

It's late. I want to go to bed, but I can't. It's strange. I can't describe what it is like, but it's very unpleseant. Allthough, I have nothing to lose if I try, but I don't. I'm bored and I'm angry that I don't change anything, what I wait and endure. I'm bored....

I fell in love with him. And it scares me. His like a drug. Can you imagine I begin being crazy if I don't see him a day or so? I need him every minute. Right now my heart is full of pain. I'm sad. And he is not here.

I need to cry, to cry a lot. I don't know why, it may be a kind of depression... Who knows..

My little boy, I love you so much, do you know it? So much as I never did. So much as I'm crazy when you are not near me.
I fell so helplessly..... :(

duminică, 7 august 2011


Changes in my blog's design. I don't know if you like it, leave me your opinions. I haven't decided yet what to choose, but I surely knew I had to change something.


"There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power of our will.”


I'm a dreamer, far from reality...


Ry Cuming...

 Mi-a adus aminte de ziua când eram răcită, vb cu tine pe net, nu puteam ieşi) şi ascultam cântecul istaaaa <3333. Mi-am amintit de bucuria care a venit peste mine când ai apărut ON şi mi-ai scriss ;). Şi acel te iubesc..
Şi de seara de ieri...

Am atâta nevoie de tinee mereu lângă mine, toată viaţa
 Miss u're kiss, your embrace, u're smile, miss everything is you, miss UUUUUUU so much((((((( 

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