joi, 1 septembrie 2011

The 1st of September

Hello! Today would have been a wonderful day, wouldn't it? I saw my classmates after a three months holiday and I should have been happy, but I wasn't. Do you realise it is so because of you? Do you realise you hurt me? Do you realise that I don't know what to fo further and what will be your next reactions?
Do you know that I have to guess if you need my help or if I have to let your alone, that I have to guess if you are angry with me or if you're in a bad mood?
I was afraid if summer ended, it would have been different. It is.
I don't know if you'll enter here to read this. Maybe in such a way you'll try to ynderstand me. Allthough you say you do understand me, I think you don't. I hope you'll read this.

And now, about celebration. :) So, there was nothing special. We met in the school yard, congratulated each other and our teachers and then went to a museum. I spent my morning waiting for him with some girls. And what was it for? He said he is in a bad mood. And left. Oh my God, why?

Some pics done by Stella T. and Vlada C. Thanks girls for beaing near me in difficult moments in my life and for such sweet photos :) kiss ya:*
my new blouse, like it <3 

Stella T.

2 comentarii:

  1. I feel like punching someone... *angry* *punches a taurus*
    Amazing skirt and superb blouse <3
    I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you, my brother had his mobile with him and didn't tell me that you had called. Remember that no matter what your decision is we will always support you and be by your side. I love you!

    P.S. It's "I don't know if you would..." and it's "although" ^_~


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